
Guide of Municipal Taxes(村税の案内)

Guide of Municipal Taxes(村税の案内)

Municipal Taxes(村税について)

 You must pay the following municipal taxes and various fees, when you move into a municipality.


a  Municipal and Prefectural Inhabitant Tax


b  National Health Insurance Tax


c  Fixed asset Tax


d  Light Motor Vehicle Tax


e  Water and Sewerege Fee


f  CATV Viewing Fee


Specifically, please see attached file. (A Guide to Mnicipal Taxes) 


You must name a Tax Agent(納税管理人を定めてください)

 When you leave Japan to relocate abroad before receiving a tax notice and completing the payment, you must name a tax agent who will handle your tax affairs on your behalf. For details, please contact the Municipal Tax Division.

  転出・出国により、納付書の受け取りや納税ができなくなる場合、納税管理人(本人に代わり日本で 納税通知書の受け取りや納税を行う人)を定める必要がありますので、税務係へ連絡してください。



    総務課 税務係

    電話番号:0269-85-3111 FAX番号:0269-85-3913

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